I love and enjoy being a blogger. I honestly had no idea that blogging about my family's life could bring me to do wonderful opportunities. One of the many perks I really like about being a blogger is that I get to try and test out products from different companies. The freebies are a little bit overwhelming sometimes! Hey, who doesn’t love free stuff?
Blogging has never been so rewarding! So if you are a lot like me who love getting free products to test out and keep, you should sign up with Influenster today and participate on their site to get free boxes of samples to try out and review. You might also want to download Influenster app for easy access to any of your mobile devices.
I've been a member of Influenster for a while now, and I enjoy getting their VoxPerks. What is VoxPerks? VoxPerks means you'll be able to gain access to digital coupons from everyday brands just for being active on social media. Influensters who connect their social accounts to amass a high Impact score tend to unlock the most exclusive VoxPerks! Make sure to be on the lookout for activities to get even better deals on select VoxPerks before you redeem them.
There are a million reasons to join Influenster! So sign up now!

There are a million reasons to join Influenster! So sign up now!
I have been meaning to sign up for this forever. Thanks for the reminder.
I love Influcenter! I've been part of it few a few months and I love getting fun perks!
I am going to sign up.. i like to test things out and even better with a coupon!
I love every single product I got to try from them. Amazing glad I joined this and now can't wait for the next box to arrive.
Everyone loves freebies right?
I've been hearing about this lately, and what I've seen has been enticing. Sounds like one to join!
I swear, I have been a member there but I have never gotten any freebie sis lol.
I have heard such great things about it. I would love to get VoxPerks. I am always on social media
First time to hear or even read about it but I'm interested, thanks for sharing.
I am a member of Influenster and I love it. I enjoy receiving VoxBoxes and being introduced to products that I've never would have tried otherwise.
I love influenster! I have been with them since 2012 =-)
I love Influenster! I have gotten a lot of great products from them.
I'm actually an influenster but haven't been on the site in quite some time. This is telling me I need to go back.
I stayed home with my son until he was almost two years old. Then I took a part time job. I just felt I needed more adult contacts and also money. But I do cherish the time I was able to spend with my son at home.
I don't think I'm in this one. Free items are great but respectfully anything I am working to write about isn't free.
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