Friday, September 24, 2010

Hiking in the Blue Ridge Mountains

Thanks to Olga Quinn

I have everything I need to go hiking. My favorite pair of boots, my water bottle, the bug spray, snacks, and all the other essentials. I feel like I am forgetting something though. Aha! I set my home security alarm before I head out the door to go meet my fiance for a fun-filled day of hiking in the Blue Ridge Mountains. We were able to find a great deal on home security from
Living at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains gives me a chance to explore their beauty anytime I want to. I try to hike different trails each time I go. No matter which location I choose, I know that I am not going to be disappointed. I especially like to go hiking in the fall when the leaves are changing just before the cold weather hits. Hiking is not only a great way to enjoy the outdoors but it is a great way to exercise. The challenges that hiking brings physically are very rewarding. Hiking is also my way of escaping the real world if only for a short time. The sense of peace that it brings me has no comparison.

1 comment :

Karen Chayne said...

hiking? sige uban ta sis para mugamay na ning atong mga bilbil...hihihihi!