Monday, September 15, 2008

Jury Duty!

My husband checks the mail everyday. He always do that everytime he comes home from work. I can get the mail anytime I want to but I am just lazy going to the mailbox! :) Today while  I was changing Akesha, my husband told me that I received something from the mail. He said "honey,you've got summon for the first time! This is exciting!...:)" and I said what is that? Then he showed me the mail, and it's from the county. It's a jury duty summon. Oh my goodness! I never expected it. I mean never in a million years I dreamed of becoming a juror. I have no idea why they sent it to me. We checked the information, and found out that I am not qualified because I need to be a citizen to be a member of the jury. Whew! Thank God! If I was qualified and ignore the summon I might end up in jail or pay fines. Ayay!


Chubskulit Rose said...

I'd be nervous if i were you too hehehe.. I never want to be in a courtroom lol!

Cacai M. said...

hehehe! 2 years ago pa lang jud diay madam sis.. wla pa panas2x ang mga addresses dha.. hehehe! Bitaw, mao pod na^ akong huna-huna after reading it again and again. lol! Funny at first since I thought I am the one who were reincarcerated thinking I wasn't able to complete the necessary information of my 911 bill during my post office moment.. lol.. and more funny because after that incident until now I won't go to usps yet, remember the bday gift for u which I mail it through UPS? Yes, that was one of the blushing moment for me. lol! Thanks for sharing madam sis.. ganahan ra ba unta ko ky what is after lugar og ma-comply ang case og jury duty, naa ta tatak nga "Juror" hehehe.. tapos tagaan mn 'guro ta og allowance or wage sguro (not sure though).. but nonetheless then, if ever, ky sikat.. nyahaha! sge madam sis, taas nmn diay ni.. hehehe.. muahhh!