Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Survey for the Day!

I enjoyed taking personal survey everyday. You should try this one too!

Take this survey

-My hair


-of course

-nope, not at the moment


-moving boxes


- most of my dreams cant remember it


-ice cream...super humid inside

-yep, helps the cavity away

-cabbage soup

-can't remember

-pretty much

-never heard of it!

-I guess I had


-kind of!

-love your own...hehehe!

-yep plenty!

-nope...prefer ricotta


-just 3 (Philippines, USA, & Hong Kong)

-more than you thought


-sure, if there is a chance

-I have respect in, no!

-our has sparkle on it

-never been


-I don't remember...that was long time ago!

-never and I am not planning on doing it

-a toy gun maybe

-I dont think so

-Greg's family...we are having a family dinner

-what kind of egg is this...of course white!

-I don't have one


- been married for almost 4 years....obviously!

-yep (samsung)

-ca'nt tell you

-not fan of chap stick

- go to work

- yep

-never it!

- Honey, did the Management company call?

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