Friday, November 6, 2009

I need HELP!

ATTENTION: To all my friends and the rest of the blogging community, guys I really need your HELP regarding on the "Smile Contest". Do you think it is a good idea for me to pull out Akesha from the contest? The contest was started a couple of days ago (Nov.4 US time). I know this is a hard decision for me to make, but I want you guys to be part of this decision. Do you think it is a good idea? Here are my sentiments:

I don't like their rules and they keep changing it. For me it is stupid because their basis on winning the contest is the comment. And that is it?

Some contestants have raised over 200 votes already, but most/all their voters were using gmail accounts. I've been having some doubts about it. Who knows if they're cheating or not.

I smell something fishy.....and I don't want to do what they have been or might have been doing. I want to play the game fairly. What if I will make 1k or more gmail accounts and will vote for Akesha every single day? Am sure they will not notice that. Right?

I know for sure that 99.9% of Akesha's voters are legit and real people and not just random/made up accounts. This is not only about the contest or the prize. This is also about helping their website to get more traffic. I also don't want you guys and some people from the blogging community to go to and waste your time to go over there for the rest of the month to vote for Akesha. We are not sure if other voters from other participants are legit or not. I hope I make sense.

I don't want to waste my time campaigning and let you guys add traffic on their website. I emailed the admin a few times already regarding the rules, but I did not get a single letter on the alphabet from them. I hope you guys can help me decide. I will share my vote for you. I will vote "YES". As I said, I don't want to waste everybody's time. There is no way Akesha can make it if other people are cheating.

In behalf of the Dias family, I would like to thank ya'll for the support and for casting your vote to Akesha. Your help means a lot. You are very much appreciated!


Cecile said...

If that is the case, I think you better pull out Akesha in there. They are not fair; sayang isasali ko pa naman si Jacob next month; dili na lang.

I wonder why they keep changing the rules on voting; why not just the old one, easy and fair!

Unknown said...

I will just wait tsang what the rest of the crowds would say if they would want you to pull out or not. Cos for me, we already started it, why not finishing it until the end of the month. I am not happy with their new rules, and the keep changing of rules. Well, the admin knows that all your visitors are legit, sana lang they would make some actions regarding sa mga account na ginamit ng ibang contestant. Sounds fishy talaga tsang yung number.... at #... kasi parang walang mga blog. At sabi sa rule nila, they should have a blog diba.
Walay klaro ang nagpa contest ana, basin pang traffic lng ang gi after ana nila. hope they can read this one para ma corrected ilang pamaagi dha.


Hello Mommy! My baby is also a participant. My voters are also legit. And same as you, I plan to stop campaigning na rin. I find the rules very hard and lisod for the voters. Malouy ko sa mga voters because they have to go through a very tedious process just to vote.

As of mandadaya, hinde ko alam kung meron. Pero you are right, a person can create many Google accounts just to vote. I still prefer voting polls with strict ip detectors.

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Have faith my friend. Naumpisahan mo na rin lang tapusin na nating lahat hanggang sa dulo. Ganun din naman ang nangyari kay Rylie. Milya milya ang lamang nang kalaban sa kanya nuong una pero maraming na disqualify along the way at nanalo nga si Rylie. Who knows baka madisqualify din yung dalawang nasa una ni Akesha. Minonitor ko kanina ang mga boto at ito ang namonitor ko:
1. Marian Jaeniel Pascual - 292 comments/votes
2. Yuri Kim Flordeliz - 291 comments/votes
3. Akesha Lourice A. Dias - 132 comments/votes
4. Nepomuceno - 69 comments/votes
5. Cuasay - 64 comments/votes
Ganun talaga friend. Lahat nang bagay ay pinaghihirapan. I'm sure namomonitor din nung organizers ang mga boto at somewhere along the way madedetermine nila yung fake votes. Ang desisyon ay nasa iyo pa rin at sa resulta nang voting mo. Pero para sa akin laban nang laban lang dahil alam ko na hindi tayo pababayaan nang Panginoon. Ano man ang maging desisyon mo ay nasa likod mo kaming lahat. Thanks for the post. God bless you always.

David Funk said...

I read this on your other blog, and it does make a tough decision.

On one hand, I do know the work and time you've put into this for your family as well as friends here in blog hand. However, I really respect the fact of your integrity on this issue.

For one, I would be suspicious when I read that one of the parents(meaning you) has emailed them, and hasn't gotten a response back. That doesn't make it very customer-friendly for those that would want to inquire about the contest. As far as being customer/visitor friendly goes, it takes more time to comment than it would be to right-click your choice just once. Some people just want to "click and go".

Second, I've ran contests where multiple emails and IDs were used in order to "fix" a contest I had a couple of years back(I know this because I was a moderator for this same site where I can IP addresses). I think setting it up to where a person votes from one IP address is always the best option. Once they vote, that's it.

As you know, I've always spoke highly of you and your family, and feel you'll do what you think is right. I have to say that I admire you even more for your integrity in wanting to be fair with everyone involved and not just for you and your daughter.

Regardless of what you decide(which I know where you stand yourself), I'll back you up.

Best wishes for you always my very dear friend!

kathy said...

Dhemz, sorry to hear about this. If you feel that they are not being fair then don't hesitate to pull Akesha out from the contest. I myself will no doubt and has been voting for her everyday and I don't like the fact that when we are being honest, they are cheating.

In the end it is your decision and I would support you no matter what it is. My point is that basin ma-break lng imong spirit in the end when you did all you can in all honesty to win.

teJan said...

Dhems, what can I say??? I will just wait:( for now mag vote lang usa ko..hheeh!

Good day! ayaw paapektohi imo studies ani ha! hehe. May you will be guided! Goodluck!

Cacai M. said...

for me Dhemz, akong vote is no. But seeing bitaw ganeha sa mga votes - akong gipang-view ang mga nanggi-vote sa duha ka top notcher, no way Jose that all voters are honest that they are bloggers since I can't find their blogs. Mostly are in private profile and then naa mn gani ila profile but ngalan rah ang nakabutang.. hmmm.. I smell something fishy jud. It isn't visible nga bloggers sila. Makaingon ko exemption if gamay but hey, it's mostly!

I hope it will be fixed for fair voting.

A.Marie said...

This would be a hard decision, but I think you should trust your instincts on this one. If you smell something fishy, then I think you should pull her out.

Just my humble 2cents worth! :)

kat said...

lam mo dhemz, dili rin nila ma determine ang fake voters kung IP address ang pagbabasehan dahil maraming internet cafe dito para lang maging iba-iba ang IP adress nila. in one person makaka create sya ng 10x times gmail, ymail, whatever then go lang sya to different internet iba iba ang IP address nya..gets mo?

pero wag mo munang pull-out si Akesha, mag suggest tayo doon sa "how to improve their site".

Mel Alarilla is right. ganoon ang nangyari kay Rylie ang pagkakaiba lang walang gmail account yata ka lang ng click den may nakita silang isang IP address na 100's clicks yata so na-disqualified yon. pero ngayon iba dahil kasama na pati ang may mga free malabong laban yon. i'll visit the site later today kay manginhas pa ko hehehe.

Mami Dhemz wag masyadong dibdibin ang contest, study your lesson first...hehe

Chubskulit Rose said...

Hello sis, I feel bad that they keep changing the rules and as what I told you. this new rule can create a lot of fake votes kasi they don't have the means to detect if the blogger account is just from one person or another kasi di mo naman maview yung profiles ng karamihan dun sa ibang voters,.. Wait na lang muna tayo and see kung may gagawin ba silang action about it.. Sabi nga nila "Quitters never win and winners never quit" Tuloy natin ang laban, baka isipin nila sore losers tayo at least yung boto for akesha are all legits and not just made up account.. Matalo man tayo at least its worth it kasi puinaghirapan natin and we know na di tayo nandaya.. Mwah, hope it helps...

ging said...

i feel sad about it sis, excited pa naman ako for Akesha, but if the contest is like this, not fair to everyone, then i think it's not a healthy competition anymore. But you know that there are many people here in the blog community who support for your daughter,"maybe" its better to continue nalang yung laban, manalo man o matalo, atleast malinis yung konsensya natin. Kasi nasimulan mo na, kaya tatapusin nalang natin, malay mo, before the end of this month, may maraming ma disqualified na comment sa ibang contestant. That's my opinion, but think it the hundred times before you make the final decision. And whatever decision you will make, we respect it, either you continue Akesha or not.

Mommy Liz said...

Dhemz, marami talagang taong mandaraya, kung ako ang tatanungin mo, try to keep emailing the website tapos tanong mo lang kung acceptable ba ang mga nag co- comment na di ma view ang profile, yung mga walang blog accounts. You're right when you said na a person can create 100 gmail, yahoo, hotmail, ymail and so on and so forth just to vote for someone, but it wouldn't be fair to the people na nag bo vote ng fair.,

In my opinion, wag mo muna i pull out si Akesha, wait muna kugn ano ang magiging resulta ng mga suggestions, kahit na araw araw kaming mag vote, we would be glad to do it, as long as we know that we are not cheating di ba? And if ever na walang care ang website sa concern mo, then we can all boycott the link and wala ng mag join. we can post sa ating mga sites na for them to get traffic, eh nag gagawa sila ng mga contest na bogus.

So for the meantime, yaan mo lang , nov. 6 pa lang, dami pang time..malay mo, if we bombard them with concerns, complaints and all eh marealize nilang may mga cheaters. If by the 15th and they won't reply to any of your concern, then bout time to pull her out, ksi lokohan na lang yun di ba??

Jane said...

Hi Dhemz, I tried voting for Akesha everyday, but I got an email saying that my vote got rejected by Here what is says: Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550-5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please try
550-5.1.1 double-checking the recipient's email address for typos or
550-5.1.1 unnecessary spaces. Learn more at
550 5.1.1 30si4023933pzk.90 (state 14).

I am very sad about this, sorry sis :((

Meryl (proud pinay) said...

hi sis...andito me kakagising lang from nap....
nako sis, mahirap pag desisyonan nga ito...pero sis, if sa akin lang wait mo lang muna...baka ma read nila itong post mo...baka maiba ulit ang rules na dapat walang gagamit ng gmail account kc madaling gumawa ng account sa gmail....tsk tsk...sana maging patas ang labanan...walang dayaan. hmmmmm...try mo kaya ulit sila email sis...

princessngaako said...

I don;t know what to say. sayang naman kasi there are really people who finds your child adorable and are willing to vote for her. Just let it be... Kahit hindi manalo ok nalang, just for fun. :D

Arlyna said...


The fact that the rules kept changing is something to be suspicious about. They should stick to one set of rules and that's it.

I would be very frustrated too. But like the majority of people who commented here, just finish what you started and wait for the results. But if you decided to pull Akesha out, you have my full support. You are showing a good example to your daughter that people should play by the rules but unfortunately this contest seems to lack some credibilty especially when they're not even responding to your emails.

nice A said...

It's so sad to learn, Dhemz, that cheating is not only in our government. It happened to me just recently, too, when Pinoys cheated on their "kapwa Pinoy" by hacking my account (See my latest post) and earned a big sum of money. Now it's happening to you, too. It's really bad.We keep pointing our fingers to our leaders but even ourselves do that! But I admire you for not tolerating it, for doing something about it than just closing your eyes. I just hope that the organizer of this contest will be able to do something as well before the announcement of the winner. Otherwise, the changing of the rule will be too late and the contest's credibility will really be affected.
Well, the upside of going on with the contest in case the cheating persists is that, Akesha will learn even at a very young age that the world is full of cheaters. Too bad though that she will learn to mistrust even the innocent people around. After all, the decision is yours.
I still go on voting for Akesha. I just did.

Yami said...

I will vote for Akesha after this comment. :)

Chie Wilks said...

hello's really good i scrolled down after reading your latest post and after leaving a message on your chatbox... Laina pud nila kong mangcheat cla...maybe they wanted to win someone who is a relative then it is not fair...and if the game is not fair i'll go for Yes.

Unknown said...

Im back here tsang nakikiusyoso lng hehehehe. Mao na ingon commercial tsang... Kung saan ka masaya te suportaan tika....hehehe

Beng said...

I will vote for Akesha again...Go-Go-Go pa rin!

entertainment spree
travel spot

krykie said...

waaa. sayang naman ate dhemz kasi kasali na si akesha pero if they continuing to change the rules if really unfair na.

they must stick to their rules kasi hassle sa kasali.


pero good luck pa rin kay bebe akesha mo. Ü

Glennis said...

Winning is not everything, just let her enjoy her moment of fame and enjoy what ever real and true votes she gets. Don't worry about cheats, they never prosper in the end. Just have fun.

eden said...

hello dhemz, ug unsay imong decision, i will respect and support it.
mo vote na sad ko karon para kang akesha.

thanks and take care..

Mrs. Stevenson said...

just finish it sis. whether Akesha win or not ok lang atleast you know you did it in honest way! i'm sure she's going to win it!