A sunburn occurs when skin is burned by exposure to the sun or other ultraviolet light. Sunburn is better prevented than treated. Sunburn results from too much sun or sun-equivalent exposure. It is a burn from ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The consequence of this burn is inflammation of the skin. The long-term consequences of years of overexposure to the sun are significant. One blistering sunburn doubles the likelihood of developing malignant melanoma. Chronic sun exposure causes premature wrinkling and aging of the skin.
Sunburn remedies are something that we always need to look for the day after we treat our skin badly in the sun. I just found a great list of folk remedies for when you actually do accidentally sunburn yourself. I do not know where it comes from but I thought I would pass it on with a few comments. I have tested some of these but not all. Also remember that if you have any kind of a skin rash or irritation many of these will help as well.
Aloe Vera
Take as many leaves as necessary from an aloe plant; refrigerate; peel off top layer of leaves; apply the side of the leaf with flesh exposed directly to the sunburn. Aloe is very effective in relieving pain and inflammation Other remedies use aloe vera juice: for mild to medium sunburn, keep the affected area moist with aloe vera juice. Repeat frequently. This will reduce the pain and the amount of peeling. Combine aloe juice with � the amount of vitamin E. Dab on the sunburn. Vitamin E is a good moisturizer. Aloe vera ointment works well, too, as it contains oil and will not evaporate. For a severe sunburn, keep the area moist at all times with aloe vera juice. Since aloe vera is an astringent, you may want to use aloe vera ointment or some sort of oil, such as olive or baby.
Take a warm shower to draw out the heat of your sunburn. The warm water will increase circulation to the area while hydrating it, thereby speeding the healing process. Be sure to moisturize afterward as the water will dry your skin.
Baking soda compress
Dissolve some baking soda in water and make a compress using a clean cloth. Another remedy is to add 1/2 cup of baking soda to a tepid bath and soak. Instead of drying the affected area with a towel, let it air dry. Baking soda is cooling and will help the skin retain moisture.
Apple cider vinegar
Apply apple cider vinegar to the burn with a cottonball, or make a cooling compress for a large area to relieve the pain. Keep the skin moistened. This remedy will prevent blistering and peeling.
Aspirin or willow bark
Aspirin kills the pain and reduces inflammation and redness of a sunburn. It short-circuits the whole sunburn process. It must be taken within 24 hours of getting sunburned. Aspirin is preferable to ibuprofen or acetaminophen because it is less stressful on the liver and kidneys.
Herbal Baths
Add 20 drops of each of lavender and chamomile essential oils to a tubful of cool water and soak for 10 minutes. Bergamot, Add bergamot oil to cool bathwater.
Calendula Bath
Put 20 drops of calendula tincture in four ounces of water and bathe the skin until the pain goes away. Calendula is also available in gels and salves. Calendula will help soften and heal burned skin. It is anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, and can be used long after the burn to heal the skin.
Lavender Oil
I just recieved an email from someone that has used lavender oil topically to relieve the problems that they had with sunburn and claims that it works everytime - Thanks Cody!
Cucumber rub
Rub sunburned area with fresh cucumber slices. They are very cool and will soothe the area.
Epsom salts compress
Dissolve epsom salts in water and make a compress using a clean cloth.
Ice compress
Apply ice or cold water to the burned area. This will stop the burning process and cool the skin.
Lemon water
Mix the juice of three lemons into two cups of cold water and sponge on the sunburn. The lemon will cool the burn, act as a disinfectant, and will promote healing of the skin.
Milk compress
Make a compress of whole milk (or buttermilk) and apply to the burned area for 20 minutes; repeat every two to four hours. Wash the milk off so you won’t smell sour! A similar remedy suggests using a cup of skim milk and four cups of water, adding a few ice cubes, and applying as a compress as recommended above. The fat content of the milk is soothing for burns.
Oatmeal bath
Put some oatmeal in tepid bath water, soak for a few minutes, then air dry yourself. Oatmeal baths are actually very good for the tratment of many skin problems.
Apply peppermint oil to the sunburned skin. You can also make a mild peppermint infusion and use it as a wash to cool the sunburn.
Native Americans used an infusion of ground yarrow as a wash.
Grate a potato and apply it to the burned area. The starch will cool and soothe the burn.
1 comment :
I wanted to see a live air show--nakita ko lang yan sa TV.Gusto ko yung naka red ang uniform--nakalimutan ko ang pangalan!
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