Thursday, January 1, 2009

The New Year’s Blog Award

I got this cool award from a very good friend of mine Donabel. Thanks a lot girl for including me. I thought that this is very interesting award. I also got tag from TJacky. So here's how it goes:

My 5 New Years Resolution
1. Spend more time with my daughter (playing, teaching her educational stuff and etc.)
2. Go to bed early. I usually go to bed at 12am or beyond (not a good habit)....hahha..blogging is fun!
3. I need to make a personal schedule (I hope)
4. Think positive and be open-minded
5. Go to church every Sunday.

Now it is my turn to pass this award to Rose, Madz, TCecile, Tweng, TFaye, TLou, Umma, Chie, Amiable Amy, Lizzie, Grace, BenchieGrace, Ria, AnnaRhea, Cookie, Boogie, Kev, Tripzibit, Greggy, and you! Feel free to grab this tag/award folks!


You must be a true lover of the New Year to receive this award. The person to whom you give the award must also be in love with the New Year.

Post at least five New Year’s Resolutions. If you can’t limit it to five, then continue until you go out of space.

Pass the award along to as many bloggers as you like.

Let your recipients know that you have tagged them by leaving a comment on their site. Also, link back the person who gave you the award.


Chubskulit Rose said...

Thanks for this tag sis, namiss nga namin church kahapon.... my main reso is to pay off debts hahahah, hopefully... we cut a chunk last year so sana mapagpatuloy ko, hubby said i work wonders on our finances.. matipid kasi si mamang au au!

D said...

Hehe similar talaga tayo gurl, I forgot pala about the "going to Church every Sunday" thing. That is part of my New Year's resolution too. You reminded me of it. I hope we'll be able to keep our resolutions. LOL May pagka ningas kugon ako, but I'll definitely try sticking to it, especially about the not-staying-up-late part. Good luck, gurl and may 2009 bring you more blessings and prosperity!

Madz said...

Hey sistah Dhemz, thanks for your thoughtfulness to have always remembered me! huhuhu.. drama noh! itetch....:) Seriously, I do appreciate and treasure the friendship, the bond we've made here in bloggersphere...

Stay sweet Dhemz, will grab and post this as soon as I finished writing about our New Year in the bush again!

Take care


Go to the church every Sunday.
That's good!
God bless you, sist.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the tagged sis, pero oo nga tama ka i tried to get an opp ewan ko sana nga meron hehe kc alam mo ba napupuyat na din ako kakaharap sa computer inaabot na ako ng 2 am 4 am grabe tapos c nikki nman oh my god sumasabay na sa akin haha

Cecile said...

thanks dear, have posted it na sa new blog ko, sa kitchen :-)

Cookie said...

Thanks for the tag. My name's here pala. I'll include your name on this tag. Salamat girl ha! Happy new year!

Chie Wilks said...

I already grabbed this dems...i know u already got those awards..but i included u anyway