Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cozmo Smart Girls

Amy Poehler, for the CozmoTV Network, has released this new video called “Smart Girls at the Party”. It is about her interviewing young people on what they are doing to impact the world. You can get your own widget here too. The widget has three buttons called Menu, Grap This TV, and Gallery. The Menu will allow you to sign in and register, share the video with a friend, and save it as a favorite. The Grap This TV menu bar will allow you to grab the code to imbed the video into your Facebook, Myspace, Myyearbook, Hi5, Freewebs, Xanga, and many more applications on the web. The gallery will allow you to go to some featured widgets, related widgets and your favorite widgets. You should checkout this widget and put it on one or more of your favorite web applications. This is a pretty cool widget to be able to add to your blog, or facebook account. Amy Poehler does a great job at interviewing young people on how they are changing the world with dance and music. So what are you waiting for? Why don’t you checkout this widget and add it to your web account so your readers can enjoy it too.

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