Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Top 10 EC Droppers

I'm sure that most of you are familiar with this . Am I right? Of course you do! Aside from blog hopping, I also enjoy dropping people's EC. Don't forget to drop mine or else I will not drop yours...hahah..just kidding! So this time I am going to feature the top 10 people who never fail to drop my EC. I actually got this idea from Chie. Thanks a lot girlfriend! So here they are. Thanks a lot guys!


Umma said...

Yey! I made it to your top 10 this month. Thanks for posting sistah.

Madz said...

gang asa man mkita ang top 10 droppers sa EC? wla jud ko kalibutan ana uy..hhheheh wla lagi ko ay.. hahhaahhah tapulan man gd ko no... well, I will try my best..hehhee

Chubskulit Rose said...

oiiii di ako kasama.. lagi ko kasi nalilimutan magdrop lalo na pag nagkocomment ako hahaha

Chie Wilks said...

Wow, im flattered, i am the top 1 dropper..hehehehe....thanks for posting it dems...