Thursday, November 6, 2008

Don't Go There!

What comes in your mind first when you hear the word “vacation”? What comes in my mind when I hear the word vacation is fun, relaxing, adventure, pleasure, and excitement. How about you? My family loves to go different places in the world either domestic or international. Every year we always go on some type of vacation. This year we did a road trip and visited six states in America. We were out for a two weeks vacation and we had a blast. It was an overwhelming experience for me because I never been on a road trip like that before. It allowed me to see all the great states in America. From all the six states we visited, I wouldn’t recommend going to Idaho. We did a lot of driving in that state but wasn’t able to see much. We needed to drive 100 miles before we found a place to stay. Aside from looking for a place to stay, there is nothing there. I mean that state is empty. We felt like we're in the middle of nowhere when we drove through Idaho. That was the horrible experienced we had. Have you ever experienced this kind of vacation?
Do you know that there is a book that helps your vacation become more enjoyable? Yes, this book is called “Don't Go There!”.>Don't Go There!: The Travel Detective’s Essential Guide to the Must-Miss Places of the World is based on Peter’s expertise and hard-won knowledge of where not to go and he will tell you why. These are some of the highlights of this book:
-Which cities and countries are the most polluted?
-Have the highest crime rates?
-The worst disease rates?
-Which locations are most likely to be hit by tornadoes?
-Tsunamis? Hurricanes? Earthquakes?
-Which airports should you avoid at all costs and when?
-Which hotels are consistently cited for bedbugs, Legionnaire’s disease, and overall filth?
-Where do you not want to ride a bike for fear of sinkholes?
-Which town has been dubbed the Armpit of America… and fought back with the Armpit Festival?
I might consider on getting this book because it is very informative and one of a kind. So, what are you waiting for? Pre-order your copy now. Here's the video for you to watch.


cel25's said...

hi demz..salamat sa pag bisita og comment.. lagi osahay mag binoang og mag comment ko..

hinloan ni nako akong blog ron.hehehe

Anamika:The Sugarcrafter said...

hi dhemz
i made me ponder for a while...well written post.

Anonymous said...

hi demz! dropping by to say hi...hope you can also visit my blog. take care! :D

Anonymous said...

you have a very cute baby! congrats! expecting one of my own in a few months! :-D

Anonymous said...

hihihi something to think about huh? i have applied for this opp, hope i get it too. :-)