Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Caramel Apple Anyone?

After we ate dinner we went to Savemart to get something for dessert. We live close by so we don't need to drive that far. We grabbed some chips, fruits, and few caramel apples. Have you ever have a caramel apple before? Well, honestly I never have caramel apple when I was in the Philippines. :( I was hesitant to try it before but then hubby insisted that I might like it. Actually, it's not that bad. Now, I learn to like it and I keep buying it more often.


Umma said...

I love this one sistah.. Im drooling right now..I want one too huhuh

Unknown said...

Oh, I think I saw a stall selling caramel coated apples here in the Phil. Some are rolled in sprinkles, while others have marshmallows. I tried one though, but it didn't really sit well with my taste.. :) hehe

Cecile said...

my son would love this one, i better let him try it once and for all even thoug it means messy hands and face for him :-)

Anonymous said...

While I was working as a nanny before, my employer taught me how to make caramel apples. I have a sweet tooth, but those are too sweet for my taste.

Joy said...

i haven't tried caramel coated apple but it looks yummy.

Antoine Greg said...

namit!!! hihihihihi

1st year Nurz plang akuh..

di kuh getz message muh manenai...hhahaha

amiable amy said...

i will try that, i saw some display but, i don't bother buying coz it is just apple with caramel but, i will try, thanks for suggesting

Chubskulit Rose said...

We love caramel apples.. Hubby knows how to make it and my sister in law too.. So every Christmas we have plenty of those hehehe..

Actually madali lang gawin eh, kaso pag alam ni hubby gawin di ko na ginagawa para share lol..

Wengss said...

it looks good, I never taste caramel apple. I don't know if I can find it here. I will try to open my eyes para naman maka taste ako.

Cidz said...

I've tried this one ang sarap...How I wish I know how to make it =) alam mo ba paano ito gawin sis?