Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Moving to California

Posted by Virgil Burks
My sister is moving to California, and I am so excited for her. I think she will gain a lot of independence being away from the family, and it will be a great experience for her. I am going to miss her, but I am sure I will visit often and we will talk on the phone all the time. I’ve been trying to help her get organized for the move, and we’ve been working hard to get everything together. We went out there for a weekend to find her an apartment, and luckily, we found one pretty fast. It’s in a trendy area with lots of bars and restaurants, so I think she will do well there. Now that we have that taken care of, we are starting to put together the details. We already found out about direct tv California and scheduled the movers to come and unpack her apartment. I feel like things are coming together nicely, and that her move will go smoothly. My mom and I are going to go with her and help her for the first week, so that will be fun. After that, she’ll be all on her own, and I know she’ll love it.

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