Monday, July 12, 2010

Our Move from Boston to the Midwest

Thanks to guest blogger Susan Reily for the post.
A move is a huge undertaking under any circumstances. When it involves moving from one area of the country to another it can be a nightmare! My husband Sam, our four-year-old son Jim and I recently moved from Boston to the Midwest. It was exhilarating, exhausting and horrifying all at the same time.
First of all the packing was strenuous to say the least. We had inherited my pack rat uncle's gigantic home the year before and still had not sorted all his possessions. Therefore, we had to rent a huge storage area in our new city. Then we had to hire two moving trucks to haul everything to our new home and to the storage unit.
After the packing nightmare we had the usual chore of changing utilities and arranging for other services. I spent a whole week changing our electric, gas, cable, cell phone and internet provider as well as signing up for Colorado Springs home security dals, hiring a lawn company and ordering a subscription to our new city's newspaper.
Luckily finding employment in Ohio was not a problem since we are both in the medical field. Jim and I found jobs in hospitals located about 10 minutes from each other and 20 minutes from our new home. We have embarked on our new adventure and I must say Ohio is a beautiful state.

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