I got this linky love from Ate Cecile of "Small and Simple Things". I would like to thank my AteCes for including me all the time. Thanks a lot te for the thought. You are awesome!
"For God so loVed the world,
That He gAve
His onLy
That whosoever
Believeth In Him Should Not perish,
But have Everlasting life." John 3:16
Master List: 1. Pinay Mommy Online 2. Small And Simple Things 3.) Your next…
Rules: 1. Post this tag in your blog if you believe in the message. Please don’t forget to copy from = Start Copy Here = to = End Copy Here =. If you want, please include your own thoughts about LOVE.
2. Tag as many friends as you want to help spread the message to the world.
3. Comment with the link of your post here so that you will be included in the master list.
4. Don’t forget to come back to the master post once in awhile to check and update your own blog’s master post .
5. Please don’t delete this tag or out no follow tags. Let’s spread love and so as linky loves. Thanks!
~~ End Copy Here ~~
I will not include the people that Ate Ces mentioned from her blog. I am going to give this linky tag to Ria, Hazel, Chie, Grace, TJane, Adin, TEden, Chelle, Kris, Greggy, Phebie, Kryk, Arniev, Anygen, Khaye, Anne, Cacai, TVhing, and many more...hold on..have to check my list...hehhe!
Received same tag from Ate Ces--I'll do them,too!
I will post mine too girl! Salamat kaayo! :)
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