Oh my goodness gracious! The heat is killing me. It's 104 degrees here in Sacramento. I cant wait till the summer is over. It's hot in the Philippines but this hot is too much. I feel like roasted inside the oven. It is funny because I stayed in front of the fridge for about 30 minutes, just to cool off. The air conditioner doesn't do very well. All it does is circulating the heat inside the house...that doesn't make sense! Heheehhe :)
My daughter is walking around with her diaper on, and it's so funny because her chicks is so red. She looks like a clown! Haahhaha. She is roasting too. We have 2 electric fans on and the the air conditioner, but it is hot still.
What I would like to do is to go to the pool and take a plunge but it's like burning outside. I feel irritated right now.
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