Thanks God its Friday! Today we decided not to proceed on purchasing the house, because of some circumstances. We compared the pros and cons last night and we made a decision not to pursue our plans.
Instead, we are going to rent a bigger house. We canceled our offer from the bank, and everything we did was time consuming. Well, hey at least we follow our minds not our hearts.
Honestly, I fell in love with that house, I thought that house will be ours but unfortunately not. When we received the report from the inspector about the result, we thought that maybe that house is not for us. There are a lot of problems and things that are needed to change. The house look deceiving outside but it has a lot of internal issues, and we don't want to deal with that.
So today, I was checking online to see some houses for rent in our area. And I found some decent houses that I like. I told my husband about it and he called them so we can check it tomorrow. I guess we are looking for a house tomorrow.
Why we decided to rent a house instead of buying? Because we don't want to deal another expense to update and fix some issues in the house, specially when it's a foreclosure house. I know that this is a good time to buy a house, because the market is down. But the downfall is, most houses here in Northern California are foreclosed. That means the lower the price of the house the more you have to pay for the renovation (you know what I mean?).
Actually, it was my idea to rent a house. My husband kept asking me last night what we should do, and I don't say anything because I really wanted to move. So, I made a deal with him that "If we're not able to get that house why don't we rent a house instead?". That was our deal!
In that way we can save for our dream house that has no issues to deal with. I am hoping that we can move by the first week of August.
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