Akesha turned two 3 months ago. I cant believe how time goes that fast. She is funny! She's a character.She is the "apple of our eye". She is at the developmental stage, that characterize by negative attitude. I read this article somewhere about the terrible two's.
"To help you cope with this normal stage in your child's development, you should always remember that your child isn't trying to be defiant or rebellious on purpose. He/she is just trying to express his/her growing independence and doesn't have the language skills to easily express his needs. This can also be the reason why your toddler frequently gets frustrated and resorts to hitting, biting and temper tantrums when he/she doesn't get his way."This is funny because it is exactly what Akesha is doing right now. My goodness it is hard to deal with this age. We actually discipline her and we believe in "spanking". I know that spanking here in America is illegal. How rediculous those people who implemented this kind of law. We always told her that it is not always her way, and she cant get everything she wants.
Now that she's 2, she likes to immitate our actions and expressions. She love to play by herself and pretend that she's talking to somebody. She likes to run around and always hurt herself. She scrape her knees all the time, and she got a lot of scars now. She called her scrape "aaawwweeeeeh!" It's so funny because she wants us to change her band-aid all the time
She is learning Tagalog and Bisaya which is pretty impressive. I teach her to speak Filipino languages so she can be a bilingual someday. I actually bought her a filipino learning stuff from the Philippines. She also wants us to read her a story before going to bed. She have a lot of improvements, and we are very proud parents.
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