Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Job Moved Me

Contribution by Kennith Griffin
Recently, I told my wife that my company is relocating me to work on a new project. The good news that came out of the conversation was the fact that I would be making more money; however, the obvious bad news was that we would have to move and that I would be required to work longer hours. I feel like as a family we had just gotten use to this town and the people and to have to move again is a absolute headache but I know deep down it’s very necessary. The company is paying for the moving expenses so that’s good news but I know that my wife is going to hate packing everything up again. The last time we moved something got broken and she literally yelled at the moving company. One positive note about moving is that my buddy sent me this TEXASELECTRICITYProviders.com and told me that since I’m moving it would be the perfect time to update my energy provider and he was totally right. Now hopefully the movers don’t destroy my wife’s new china set.

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